Academic profile

Since 2014 I have been a doctoral student in Prof. Dr. Fiz. Ioan Ardelean’s team in the NMR diffusometry and relaxometry laboratory, part of the Physics and Chemistry Department at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering.

So far I have worked on NMR relaxometry experiments on cement based materials (both gray and white cement) in low magnetic fields.

I use silica nanoparticles as mineral fillers and am studying their effects on the properties of cement based materials, especially on their porosity.

Together with the team, I have managed the following:

  • A. Bede, A. Pop, M. Moldovan, and I. Ardelean, The influence of silanized nano-SiO2 on the hydration of cement paste: NMR investigations, AIP Conference Proceedings 1700, 060009 (2015), view online:
  • A. Pop, A. Bede, M. C. Dudescu, F. Popa, I. Ardelean, Monitoring the Influence of Aminosilane on Cement Hydration Via Low-field NMR Relaxometry, Appl. Magn. Res. (2015), doi: 10.1007/s00723-015-0743-7
  • A. Bede, A. Pop, M. Moldovan, I. Ardelean, The effect of silanized SiO2 nanoparticles on the hydration of Portland cement paste – Studiul efectelor nanoparticulelor de SiO2 silanizate asupra hidratării pastei de ciment Portland, Acta Tech. Napocensis, Ser. Environ. Eng. Sustain. Dev. Entrep. 4 (2015) 13–18.,%20Pop%20A,%20Moldovan%20M,%20Ardelean%20I.pdf
  • A. Bede, A.Scurtu, I. Ardelean,​ NMR relaxation of molecules confined inside the cement paste pores under partially saturated conditions, Cement and Concrete Research (2016) (submitted)​